Jammu Kashmir. LG Manoj Sinha on Wednesday inaugurated the newly constructed 576 residential accommodations for Kashmiri Hindu employees recruited under the PM’s package at Baramulla, Bandipora, Ganderbal, and Shopian districts. He said that 2000 more such flats would be ready by December 2023.
“Today’s inauguration is a testimony to our commitment to create adequate facilities for a future of prosperity and dignity of the employees.” LG said while speaking on the occasion.
He said that the administration had taken various initiatives to expedite the process of construction of housing units for PM package employees and 2000 more flats would be completed by December 2023.
“We understand their pain and are working with the right intent to complete the construction of residential accommodations on priority,” he said.
“Our young generation is our greatest asset and they should take the lead to build a stronger, prosperous, and more dynamic J&K,” he said.
“Some vested interest spoiled the generations, separated your own brothers from you. Come forward and say that what had happened was wrong and now we won’t let it happen to anyone,” he added.
LG inaugurates 576 new flats for Kashmiri Hindu employees working under PM’s Package
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