New Delhi. Sabarimala Achara Samrakshana Samiti filed a petition against the registering of same-sex marriages under special law. The petition was filed in the Supreme Court and they have also applied to be party to the case as well. The petition was filed by the committee chairman.
It is stated in the application that the Samiti was formed to protect the traditions and customs of the society. The petition filed by lawyer MR Abhilash states that same-sex marriage threatens to destroy the institution of marriage and should be deemed illegal.
Central Government had also conveyed that by allowing registration of same-sex marriage would create difficulties in preventing other relationships that aren’t acceptable in our society. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta had presented this on behalf of the Central Government.
SameSexMarriages – Sabarimala Achara Samrakshana Samiti files petition in SC
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