Thiruvananthapuram. The leftists have begun cyber-attack against the High Court and Justice Devan Ramachandran for intervening in the shocking incident of murder of a lady doctor by an accused while in police custody.
The ‘cyber comrades’ are agitated that the High Court convened a special sitting and intervened in the issue. The issue was considered by Justice Devan Ramachandran and thus he became a target for the cyber-attacks.
Cyber-attacks against Justice Devan Ramachandran and the HC’s decision to intervene in the issue continued even though such criticisms amount to contempt of court.
One social media user by the name Kp Aravindan said that Justice Devan Ramachandran is just a judge and not a God to intervene in every issue of this world. Incidentally, Kp Aravindan is also a doctor and former professor of Kozhikode Medical College.
He also tried to justify Health Minister, Veena George’s irresponsible comments about the deceased lady doctor.
Similarly, other leftist social media handlers have also unleashed attacks against the Justice. Some have criticized the judge for acting like a super CM.
One cyber comrade, Atul Krishna, lamented that if special sitting is done before registering a FIR and passing mass dialogues, then there is no use of the executive and administration. Let Devans (Justice Devan Ramachandran) and Collegium teams rule the whole land.
Earlier, the Kerala High Court had strongly criticized the government over the murder of Dr. Vandana, asking the State Government to shut down hospitals if they don’t know how to protect their doctors.
High court also criticized the Government saying that such events never occur anywhere else in the country.
The High Court also offered its condolences to the victim before starting the session, addressing that such an event must have left an unbearable mark for the victim’s family and friends.
Murder of Lady Doctor – High Court Justice faces cyber-attack from leftist quarters
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