A video of West Bengal police officer arguing with Hindus over the removal of a murti of Shri Ram from land owned by them has gone viral on the internet. The incident occurred in Village Rathtala, Police Station Nodakhali, where the officer argued that it may hurt the sentiments of Muslims in the area. The incident has drawn criticism from Hindus, who are slamming the police officer’s actions.
The controversy comes amid clashes that erupted during Ram Navami procession in Bengal’s Hooghly district. The marchers included BJP functionaries, and the trouble in Rishra town started when they alleged that stones were hurled at them near a mosque while they were walking peacefully. The incident comes just days after a flare-up in neighbouring Howrah, where authorities were still trying to restore peace and normality.
The video of the police officer has garnered widespread attention on social media, with many questioning the officer’s motives and actions. The situation in the area remains tense, and authorities are closely monitoring the situation to prevent any further violence.
West Bengal – Video of Police Officer Asking Hindus to Remove Idol of Shri Ram from their Land Goes Viral
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