Muslim man cleaning watermelon fruits with the Indian national flag in his shop

Nikunj Sood

A video of Muslim man cleaning watermelon fruits with the Indian national flag in his shop has sparked outrage on social media. The video, reportedly shot in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, has been widely shared on various platforms, leading to a wave of criticism and condemnation.

The incident has drawn sharp reactions from various quarters, with many calling for strict action against the man. However, there is no information available about the exact location and date of the incident. It is also unclear whether any action has been taken against the man in question.

The video shows the man using the flag to wipe the fruits before selling them to customers. Many viewers have expressed their anger over the disrespect shown to the national flag, which is considered a sacred symbol of India.

The use of the national flag for any other purpose than the one it is meant for, that is, as a symbol of national pride and identity, is a punishable offense. The Flag Code of India lays down strict rules for the display and handling of the national flag, including the prohibition of using it as a drapery, for decoration, or for any other purposes except as a symbol of national honour and pride.

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